I am in the last year of my mandate. I have been doing this work for a very long time now. As I said, when I first started, we started making a lot of changes in order to become more efficient. That really bore fruit for the first several years until our actual complement was cut significantly over the following years.
This year in particular, we have taken two main initiatives that are really bearing fruit in terms of efficiencies. In the first one, we implemented the Federal Court of Appeal decision of last year, which was a seminal decision in terms of administrative files. What the Federal Court of Appeal decided was that there had to be much more rigour in terms of institutions asking for long extensions. We developed a simplified process. We have developed some forms.
That's been extremely efficient in terms of changes to our results. I actually have these results with me here, so I can share that with you. In terms of where we were last year versus this year for these administrative files, last year at this time we had closed 293 files, and this year we closed 461 files. That's in part as a result of extra people, but it's also a result of what we've implemented with the federal government institutions. We have been using interest-based mediation very significantly this year. Again, last year at this time, we had closed 328 files, and this year we closed 708 files using this process.
We are actually making a significant difference, both on processes and with the additional people. That is what we're doing.
I've personally gone through all the old inventories in terms of our national security files and special delegation files. That's over 400 files.
Over the summer, we went through all these files to identify portfolio approaches and identify clusters of issues and clusters of complainants. We're working on that now. Two of my directors actually went through the rest of the inventory, and we did the same. We looked at all of the files that could be closed quickly. We are also reviewing all the files when they come in to identify the ones that we can quickly resolve because the issue is simpler. We go through all of those as well.
At this time, frankly, we monitor all the files. We monitor what's being done. I think we've done everything we could in terms of trying to sort out these files as quickly as we can. Some files do take a very long time. There's no question about that. Some files are 100,000 pages thick and, in some instances, there is no way to reduce them, so those take a very long time.