Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you very much to the witnesses for appearing today. It's my first time on this committee, and it's always a good opportunity for us new MPs to learn about a subject that we haven't had much exposure to, except of course in the general media and the news.
One thing that does concern me is the notion of oversight and how that would take place. I think it came up in all three presentations that the key is how this information.... There is an acceptance by Canadians, and certainly I hear from my constituents that they're ready to share some information, as necessary, for national security, but who is going to be responsible for making sure that it's used responsibly?
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner brought up some concerns in its report in March 2015 with regard to some of the agencies listed having some oversight, while others did not. Can you share with me some more ideas that you have about what that oversight body should look like? Should it be in each of the agencies? Should there be one overall oversight body? What would that look like?