Can I add a plus one to that?
This really does exist in the bigger context of what's going on. I think it is really critical to have oversight over information sharing. The activities of each of those agencies is also something that.... What they do with that data once they have it, even if they collect it themselves, is something that we're really concerned about. That gets into things like the notion of “super-SIRC”, which is beyond just the mandate of the Privacy Commissioner. It's great to have those SIRC reviews come through, but they're so far behind the actual activities as they're taking place that the amount of resources that need to be put into place for checking in and auditing those proactively and on an ongoing, regular basis, as Mr. Fraser was saying, is really critical. Finding out three years later that the CSE was giving away metadata of Canadians is too late. Being able to weigh in at the appropriate time or in a more timely fashion is really important.