Thank you.
I'd like to continue with you, Mr. Fraser, and maybe get some further clarification of what you discussed in your opening remarks, and maybe even in your answer to Mr. Saini's question.
You've characterized SCISA as a blank cheque facilitating the collection of bulk data and the exchange of bulk data, seemingly without any limitation. We've had a lot of discussion about the correct threshold for information sharing, and the criticism of SCISA that many have raised is that conduct that undermines the security of Canada is too low a threshold and that the bar ought to be set higher. It is, nevertheless, a bar.
You gave hypothetical scenarios in which people's charitable donations to religious communities were combined with who visits prisons and who crosses borders. None of that sounds like anything that would meet the stated threshold of undermining the security of Canada. Explain how SCISA, with such a threshold built into it—whether too high or too low, it is, nevertheless, a threshold—really is this sort of blank cheque to collect any and all data in bulk and to transmit it to any of these 17 organizations.