Congratulations, Mr. Erskine-Smith.
Let's get back to the item before us, colleagues, now that is taken care of.
Colleagues, we are pleased to have with us today in our continued study of the SCISA, otherwise known as Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, from the Department of Transport, Mr. Donald Roussel, associate assistant deputy minister, safety and security group, and Marie-France Paquet, director general, intermodal surface, security, and emergency preparedness. From the Communications Security Establishment, we have Mr. Dominic Rochon, deputy chief, policy and communications. From the Department of National Defence, we have Mr. Stephen Burt, assistant chief of defence intelligence, Canadian Forces intelligence command. There are also all sorts of other support staff in the room.
We thank you very much for being here. It's much appreciated. We've had a lot of testimony. I'm sure you've had an opportunity to review some of that testimony from groups presenting here before the committee. Now it's our pleasure to actually hear from the folks who use the legislation.
We'll hear for up to 10 minutes from each of your respective departments in the order in which you were introduced.
Mr. Roussel or Madam Paquet, the floor is yours for up to 10 minutes, please.