Thank you very much to all of you for coming here today. You've given us a lot of information.
Madame Gratton, you wrote something in a submission before about shifting social norms and keeping the technology that's coming out neutral, and making sure that PIPEDA is not amended. You cited the quote:
“Ne légiférer qu'en tremblant” in French, loosely translated as legislate tremulously.
That quotation is from by a jurist, Mr. Carbonnier, but he stated that in 2001, so we're 16 years ahead now.
In 2001, I don't think he could have anticipated all of the technological changes that would come forward and how quickly technology would increase. If you don't believe that we should deal with privacy in PIPEDA, is there another mechanism? With technology, we don't know what's going to happen two years from now or even five years from now, just as he could not have imagined 16 years ago what would happen by today.