Some people think the sites should be required to set preference parameters. When we enter a site, we can agree that our information may be shared for a particular purpose. However, sometimes the site then changes its business model or approach. As a result, our preference settings may be changed. However, in these types of situations, the site should notify us that the privacy policy or preferences have been changed. When a site changes its business model, the preferences indicated by people on the site should be maintained. The businesses are responsible for doing this. That's a fact.
However, as I said earlier, consent is a shared responsibility. One person shouldn't be carrying the entire burden. That person is not responsible for making sure the privacy policies are suitable. A Quebec resident or business can read the policy. However, we all know that, in general, we don't necessarily have enough time and energy to read the privacy policies. Studies have even determined how much time would be needed to read all the privacy policies of the sites we visit each day.
Our preferences must be maintained if a site changes its business model. It would then be our job to check from time to time whether our preferences are still the same. It's a shared responsibility and a matter of finding a balance. That's one solution. I can't think of any others for the moment. If you want, I could provide more information to the committee later on the subject.