I would like to add to that, to back up what Michael has said.
Remember that Alberta's legislation and B.C.'s legislation, for example, were drafted at almost the exact same time using almost exactly the same language, so they're very similar. Both have been deemed, along with Quebec's legislation, to be substantially similar to the federal PIPEDA.
Yes, it has been the case that certain provinces have gone ahead with.... We talk about “made in Alberta” legislation. That's the way the legislature wanted to act back in the early 2000s. The idea was that made in Alberta legislation could better address the issues of small and medium-sized businesses, and there was a lot of support for local enforcement, frankly, with a commissioner who has order-making power.
Having said that, we have seen efforts to bring all jurisdictions to the same level. Even though reviews have happened provincially and at a federal level, I think we're all going in the same direction, getting there at slightly different times, perhaps.
I would also like to go back to the comment that I think Michael made earlier, that we cooperate across the country in the private sector jurisdiction. We meet and discuss as regulators and make an effort and devote a lot of energy to making sure that we are regulating in a consistent and harmonious way, to not introduce challenges where there don't need to be challenges. There are differences in the legislation, but generally the acts are quite similar.