Good afternoon, colleagues.
I notice that while not everyone is at the table, everyone appears to be in the room. We'll get going, because I have a couple of public service announcements before we hear from our witnesses.
Colleagues, I'm sure you're aware of this, but in case you're not, I'll do a friendly reminder. Karen Shepherd, the outgoing Lobbying Commissioner, is having a farewell reception today. If you get an opportunity, it's at the Mill Street Brew Pub on Wellington Street, just down by the bridge, if I remember correctly. It goes from 3:30 until 7 tonight. I'll do my best to make my way over there on behalf of the committee, but if other committee members wish to go, I think that would be more than appropriate.
Colleagues, we have a very distinguished panel of witnesses today, all appearing by video conference. From the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia, we have Mr. Drew McArthur, the acting commissioner. We welcome you. Also from that office, we have Michael McEvoy, the deputy commissioner. From the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta, we have again, Jill Clayton, who has appeared before the committee several times. She has some assistance there, as well. Finally, from the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec, we have Cynthia Chassigneux, the administrative judge, who is appearing by video conference as well.
We'll have 10 minutes of opening remarks by each group. That will take up about the first 30 minutes. Then we'll proceed to our questioning.
Keep in mind, colleagues, that with PIPEDA, this is about the private sector. If we can focus on that in our questioning, we'll have a great discussion.
Who's going first, Mr. McArthur or Mr. McEvoy?