I could jump in on that.
I think there would be dangers in splitting it up. Increasingly over time the commissioner's approach has been to try to create guidance that is specific to particular sectors or particular contexts so that you have one law that applies to all, but how it applies in particular contexts may be different. The commissioner's office has given attention to mobile apps, and has given attention to fitness devices, and has looked at various specific things with guidance to small businesses and guidance to businesses in particular sectors.
The code of practice model is one that I think is also getting more attention now. This is the idea that perhaps some sectors could work together to develop codes of practice around certain types of information collection use and disclosure within the context of their particular operations, and that this could somehow be developed in consultation with the OPC and approved by the OPC. You would start to shape norms and guidance around particular sectors under the umbrella of one law and one commissioner. It seems to me that this would be a preferable approach to dividing it up and having separate laws.
The other thing, of course, is that some companies start out being brick and mortar companies, then go online, and then they develop apps. Businesses are constantly changing in terms of their information practices and needs.