So my point, Mr. Chair, is that it seems as though it was carefully crafted. That leads me to the Bill C-44 CSIS matter, which you want to review, because it seems to have some gaps in it, such as, obviously, sharing information with other jurisdictions that may not have the same level of scrutiny that we would have, or protections rights built in, therefore leading to some sad results for the people involved.
Maybe this isn't a fair question, but would the same level of scrutiny and care have been taken to frame Bill C-44? Theoretically even though we're dealing with a 30-year-old act, it worked pretty well until there were substantive changes in the way we collect and disseminate information. It seems to me, though, after a year or two, that the bill should have stood on stronger foundations than it appears to have.
I would come back again to the decision-making process and ask you whether you feel that we have to have that level in our review of everything you bring forward, but particularly of Bill C-44.