The first thing I'll say is that our recommendations before you have to do with substantive legal rules as opposed to mechanics and architecture. We don't have recommendations before you on architecture. In large part this is because this act is so old that we need to cut to the chase and get to having improvements on a dozen or so very important substantive issues. We haven't looked in great depth at the issue of architecture.
I will say, though, that I would not be inclined to regroup the two institutions under one roof, in part because I'm responsible for the Privacy Act with respect to government. I'm also responsible for PIPEDA with respect to the private sector. So all the telcos, all of the manufacturers such as Apple and so on, Google.... I have quite a bit on my plate and we don't have infinite resources.
At the end of the day I think it is a good thing for the protection of the privacy rights or access rights of Canadians that they have two commissioners, two offices, with different responsibilities, although they share similar rules. I think Canadians are better served that way.