Good afternoon. My name is Michael Geist. I'm a law professor at the University of Ottawa where I hold the Canada research chair in Internet and e-commerce law. I appear here today in a personal capacity representing only my own views.
There's a lot that I would like to discuss given more time: stronger enforcement through order-making power; the potential for Canada's anti-spam legislation to serve as a model, at least on the issues of tougher enforcement and consent standards; and the mounting concerns with how copyright rules may undermine privacy. But given my limited time, I'll focus at least for these opening remarks on three issues: privacy reform pressures, consent, and transparency.
First, on the issue of reform, I had the honour of appearing before both the House and Senate committees on Bill S-4, which was ostensibly the effort to update PIPEDA by implementing recommendations that were first made in 2006. At the time it was obvious that further changes were needed. In fact, the ongoing delays in implementing even aspects of that bill, security breach notification, for example, shows how painfully slow the process of updating Canada's privacy laws has been.
I believe there's an increased urgency to address the issue. You've already heard from some and may hear from others about developments in Europe with the GDPR, which could threaten Canada's adequacy standing with European privacy officials.
But there's another international development that I think could have a significant impact on Canadian privacy law that bears attention. That's our trade deals and trade negotiations. The upcoming NAFTA renegotiations seem likely to include U.S. demands that Canada refrain from establishing so-called data localization rules that mandate the retention of personal information on computer servers located in Canada. Data localization has become an increasingly popular policy measure as countries respond to concerns about U.S.-based surveillance and the subordination of privacy protections for non-U.S. citizens and residents under the Trump administration.
Now, in response to those mounting concerns, leading technology companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have established or committed to establish Canadian-based computer server facilities that can offer up localization of information. Those moves follow on the federal government's own 2016 cloud computing strategy that mandated that certain data be stored in Canada.
If we look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP, we see that it included restrictions on the ability to implement data localization requirements at the insistence of U.S. negotiators. It seems likely that those same provisions will resurface during the NAFTA talks.
So too, I would argue, will limitations on data transfer restrictions which mandate the free flow of information on networks across borders. Those rules are unquestionably important to preserve online freedoms in countries that have a history of cracking down on Internet speech. But in a Canadian context they could restrict the ability to establish privacy safeguards. In fact, should the European Union mandate data transfer restrictions, as many experts expect, Canada could find itself between the proverbial privacy rock and a hard place, with the European Union requiring restrictions and NAFTA prohibiting them.
Secondly, I want to focus on consent. As you know, privacy laws around the world differ on many issues, but they all share a common principle: collection, use, and disclosure of personal information requires user consent, an issue that has become increasingly challenged in a digital world where data is continuously collected and can be used for a myriad of previously unimaginable ways.
Now, rather than weakening or abandoning consent models, I believe the Canadian law needs to upgrade its approach by making consent more effective in the digital environment. There's little doubt that the current model is still too reliant on opt-out policies in which businesses are entitled to presume that they can use their customers' personal information unless those customers inform them otherwise. Moreover, cryptic privacy policies often leave the public confused about the information that may be collected or disclosed, creating a notion of consent that is largely fiction not fact.
How can we solve some of the problems with the current consent-based model? I'd identify at least four proposals. First, we should implement an opt-in consent approach as the default approach. At the moment, opt-in is only used where strictly required by law or for highly sensitive information, such as health or financial data. That means that the vast majority of information is collected, used, and disclosed without informed consent.
Second, since informed consent depends upon the public understanding how their information will be collected, used, and disclosed, the rules associated with transparency must be improved. The use of confusing negative-option check boxes that leave the public unsure about how to exercise their privacy rights should be rejected as an appropriate form of consent. They never know if they should be clicking or unclicking a box to protect their privacy.
Moreover, given the uncertainty associated with big data and cross-border data transfers, new forms of transparency and privacy policies are needed. For example, algorithmic transparency would require search engines and social media companies to disclose how information is used to determine the content displayed to each user. Data transfer transparency would require companies to disclose where personal information is stored and when it may be transferred outside of the country.
Third, effective consent means giving users the ability to exercise their privacy choices. Most policies are offered on a “take it or leave it” basis, with little room to customize how information is collected, used, and disclosed. Real consent should mean real choice.
Fourth, stronger enforcement powers are needed to address privacy violations. The rush that we saw in Canada to comply with Canada's anti-spam laws was driven by the inclusion of significant penalties for violation of the rules. Canadian privacy law today is still premised largely on moral suasion or fear of public shaming, not tough enforcement backed by penalties. If we want the privacy rules to be taken seriously, there must be serious consequences when companies run afoul of the law.
Finally, I'll say a word on transparency and reporting. As many of you will know, in recent years, the stunning revelations about requests and disclosures of the personal information of Canadians—millions of requests, the majority without court oversight or warrant—point to an enormously troubling weakness in Canada's privacy laws. Simply put, most Canadians have no awareness of these disclosures and are shocked to learn how frequently they occur.
There's been a recent emphasis on private sector transparency reporting. Large Internet companies such as Google and Twitter have released transparency reports. Twitter released their 10th annual report today, and they've been joined by some of Canada's leading communications companies, such as Rogers and Telus.
Despite the availability of a transparency reporting standard that was approved by the government and the Privacy Commissioner, there are still some holdouts. The problem lies with the non-binding approach with respect to transparency disclosures.
I obtained some information under the Access to Information Act, and learned that after an industry-wide meeting organized by the Privacy Commissioner in April 2015, Rogers noted the following:
It was indicated at this meeting that any guidelines adopted would fall short of regulation, but would be regarded as more substantive than voluntary guidelines.
Yet, if the non-regulatory approach does not work, it falls to either the federal Privacy Commissioner or the government to take action.
The most notable company to refrain from meeting these transparency standards is Bell Canada, Canada's largest telecommunications company. Bell initially claimed that it was waiting for a standard from the Privacy Commissioner, but now, almost a year after that standard has been released, they still have not released the transparency report. Millions of Canadians still don't know when, under what circumstances, and with what frequency Bell discloses their subscriber information. In my view, that's simply unacceptable.
If the current law doesn't mandate such disclosures there is a problem with the law, and reform requiring transparency disclosures with real penalties for failure to do so is needed. I don't need to tell you that scarcely a day goes by without some media coverage of a privacy-related issue. I think it is clear that the public is concerned with their privacy, and it is also clear that the business community has come to recognize the value of personal information. It is time for the law to catch up.
I look forward to your questions.