I apologize for this intervention, but I have to find a way to be heard.
Welcome to the committee.
I also apologize for the delay; we were held up at the House.
Thank you for your presentation.
You spoke about the right to be forgotten. I know that there will be other questions, but this is a topic that drew my attention in the documentation. I'd like to go back to that question. I'm not a lawyer by training, so please forgive me if I do not use precisely the right terms.
My question is addressed to all three of you.
Concerning the right to be forgotten, children and adolescents are the most vulnerable. With tablets and telephones they have access to almost everything. Children and adolescents may sometimes do things that will last, and that could have consequences later.
Could PIPEDA include some specific provisions concerning consent for the collection of information and the online reputation of children and adolescents?