In my opinion, the most important quality for a Privacy Commissioner is resilience. It doesn't apply to a particular task or a specific objective; it's a state of mind. You have to remain resilient in spite of everything, because there are some extremely difficult moments for a Privacy Commissioner. It requires sustained energy over the years.
That resilience is important for the people around you at the Office of the Commissioner, because the nature of our work is to resolve citizens' complaints. It's not always easy for the people who work with us. We deal with these people, and when they call us it is because they are disappointed, at the very least, or upset, or are trying to obtain something. Sometimes this is difficult for all kinds of reasons. So I think that resilience is the most important thing.
We have to continue to work to advance the cause of access to information, transparency, because ultimately it is the cause of democracy. It is fundamental for Canadians.
There you go.