It think it's one of the most important things that businesses are focusing on right now, and there's interest in knowing exactly what will be coming.
The EU has indicated that they will be looking to review Canada. They have not launched any kind of formal process at this point. We have begun reaching out at my level, at the working level, with European Commission officials to start a discussion around timing and scope of the review. We've had discussions with them about how they've gone about their recent reviews with other countries; what did and didn't work well in terms of providing information; and where there are best practices or good standards they thought were very useful.
We have face-to-face meetings with European officials next week. Then we hope to exchange some preliminary information on what Canada's privacy regime looks like. It'll be broader than just PIPEDA, but we'll give them a good primer on PIPEDA; the Privacy Act; changes that would have been made under Bill C-51; and Security Of Canada Information Sharing Act, SCISA; as well as some information about the fact that, because we're a federation, we have a unique set of requirements that include both provincial privacy laws as well as federal laws. Then we'll work from there on what they think they want to discuss with us more formally once they trigger the review. As I said, it hasn't been formally triggered yet. We definitely are starting the work on planning for what the scope and timing would look like.