Yes, we occasionally get what would be deemed frivolous and vexatious requests, and on those here's what we try to do. The ATIP analyst has permission, the right, to go back to the requester and try to clarify what the request is, particularly when they're asking for what looks like a fishing expedition, such as “I want every memo from the last six months or anything that starts with 'P'”. If we can go back and refine....
Often, I think it's what you referred to earlier, Mr. Chair, in that if we can put out more information proactively, then they won't be asking for it. The more we can put up online that's unclassified and that will not cause problems from a security perspective or a health and safety perspective, I think that's appropriate.
We certainly do see frivolous and vexatious requests, and they do take up a lot of time.