Yes, thank you.
It's a critically important question. There are elements to a valid consent, whether expressed or implied. One of the elements required is that the consent be revocable. For instance, if you provide your consent for secondary marketing, there is the obligation to honour your withdrawal or your “unsubscribe” for that.
There are a myriad of circumstances right now in which providing a revocability for a consent process is very difficult in practice. We have a stunningly complex data ecosystem in which the ability to even contemplate how you would give effect to the withdrawal of consent is going to be very difficult. The Internet of things is one of those examples. If it were carefully constructed—and we were very careful, and you will see this in our written submissions—with a balancing of interests similar to that in the EU, this would allow organizations the ability to process data for legitimate purposes and, at the same time, respect privacy interests.