I'll make an initial comment.
In our industry, the life and health insurance industry, we enter into contracts that sometimes last 30, 40, or 50 years. There is information that we collect as part of the application process that could be relevant 40 or 50 years down the road. There is this type of information we collect, which is legitimate information we need for our assessments, and then there is also information that is legally required to be collected, for example in the context of anti-money laundering, etc.
Definitely, for legal requirements or information that is required for a legitimate purpose, it would be very damaging if suddenly an individual could simply say, “I don't want that information to be out there anymore.” There may be circumstances, as you said, relating to children, etc. that could be looked at. Certainly, if it is legitimate information that one needs, and if a person enters into a contract and provides that information, they simply should not have the choice of then saying “Let's forget about all that.” I'm sure there are other circumstances in which information needs to be retained for valid reasons.
In my view, it would have to meet a really high threshold for anything to be forgotten, as it were.