Thank you. I just thought I'd get that out of the way and collect that information. We've asked many witnesses to give us a yes or no on that.
Going back to my earlier point, to what extent, then, does ease of retrieval weigh into this? I'll maybe back up a minute and say that PIPEDA's strength, according to many witnesses who have appeared here, is that it is technology neutral, and that is why, many have said, it has been a very successful regime over time. Yet I see this real distinction now, especially when we get into legal records and these types of things, which is that there really are almost two types of information: that which is readily available online and that which is not.
Is ease of retrieval of information something new that we have to consider? Also, does PIPEDA truly need to be and to continue to be technology neutral?
Go ahead, Ms. Bourne-Tyson.