I would just add that the problem is that young people check the box without recognition of.... I'll give you the opposite example, which is that I think, as an adult, many of us feel guilty for not having read all the terms and conditions, at least for a split second before we check the box. We know we should have. I don't think young people who have grown up using the Internet think twice about the fact that they checked that box. Checking that box gives them the access.
Yes, I'd love to have a broader debate about consent and what it means, but at the very least I think there needs to be an acknowledgement that the momentary split-second reaction that I should read those, that I should know.... There have been humorous examples of sites that have popped up saying, “You've just agreed to buy a flock of lambs”, or whatever else, and “Maybe you should pay more attention to these terms and conditions.”
At least in these cases, we need to make sure there's a second thought given to the idea of consent.