Based on my experience as a lawyer, there are a number of mechanisms already. There is a complaints process, but there is not a lot of back and forth with the complainer in that process. Also, it's going to the CBSA; it's not going to someone else looking at the actions of the CBSA.
The second mechanism is the recourse directorate. When a contravention has occurred, the recourse directorate is looking for a decision of the minister to overturn that contravention, or if a NEXUS pass has been taken away, confiscated and cancelled, a review of that process.
If you haven't had a contravention, though, you can't complain about the CBSA looking at your cellphone or your laptop. If someone who has had his or her cellphone reviewed without it leading to anything and then writes a complaint to the recourse directorate, the recourse directorate would say they have no jurisdiction to look at this because there is nothing for them to review. There is no provision of the Customs Act that authorizes them to do this.
There needs to be some mechanism in place to review the narrative reports of the officers, and the complaints. You have access to the complaint process, to the CBSA, not the Privacy Commissioner. How many people have complained about their laptop and electronic device searches through that mechanism? How many people have complained in the course of recourse directorate reviews? Also, even getting a number of narrative reports written by CBSA officers...they are a treasure trove of information as to what happened with respect to a particular incident at the border. You will find information in there.