Thank you very much. I'll offer some very brief remarks.
As you said, I'm from the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, CATSA, and I'm joined by my colleague Natalie Sabourin. She's the manager responsible for privacy and ATIP. To remind you, CATSA is responsible for security at airports. We're responsible for outgoing passengers, in comparison to my colleagues who are responsible for inbound. Our mandate focuses on the screening of passengers and their baggage, also airport workers who get into the restricted area at the airport. We also offer a restricted area identity card.
In terms of privacy and the retention of information at CATSA, we have four programs in place, and I'd be happy to tell you about any of them. One is what we call our boarding pass scanning system, which scans the passenger's boarding pass when they arrive at the checkpoint. Another is CCTV cameras that we have for the checkpoint. The third is a database where we store incident information. The last is to connect with the NEXUS card.
That's an overview of the areas where we keep personal information, but we don't share information with the United States. With that brief introduction, I'd be very happy to respond to any privacy-related questions you have.