The entire request system is bogged down by excessively long turnaround times. As I stated earlier, if I submit a request to a department and it stipulates a turnaround time of 180, 200 or 300 days, I have to decide whether or not to file a complaint. If the turnaround time was less than 200 days, I would not lodge a complaint because I know it would take two years.
The institutions are judged harshly but so, too, should be the commissioner's office, which currently has a wait time of two years or more as regards the processing of requests and complaints. Some of these requests pertain to fees, exemptions, and so forth. The entire culture has to change. While the act stipulates 30 days, it is constantly flouted and no limit is stated as to a reasonable turnaround time for the reception and processing of complaints; as a result, it takes two or three times longer than taking the matter to Federal Court. It makes no sense. But this is how things stand right now. I think there should be equal justice for all. For all institutions processing complaints or receiving access requests, deadlines should be imposed requiring them to respond within a specific time period.