We were also very surprised when we saw that they had taken top spot, as it were. Slovenia is in the second spot, and a lot of the former Yugoslavia countries have really high ratings because they sort of all learned together to produce group laws.
Their law—I would have to look at the rating again—is relative recent, and 2006 is bouncing around in my head. They do have a constitutional guarantee that goes back further than that. If you look at the rating, a lot of the higher performing laws are indeed the more recent laws because they learned what makes a good law. International standards have developed over that period.
That's also a very important point for this committee. Canada, when it adopted this law, was the sixth or seventh country in the world to adopt such a law. It was really a leader globally on this, but in the 30 years since then it hasn't reformed its law, and now we are far behind. We need to do something.