I'll just go through my key recommendations very briefly.
All government institutions should be covered, and all public interest and publicly funded institutions should be covered. All should be required to record every decision and action. All the exemptions should be discretionary, with a public interest override and a proof-of-harm test. The commissioner should be given the power to not only order the release of records but also to order a cleanup of the information management system and penalize people for violations of the law and violations of those orders.
Finally, in terms of not just increasing funding but also making the Information Commissioner more independent, the appointment process has to change, and not just for this watchdog. Currently all these people are lapdogs, in that the cabinet gives them their jobs. Their jobs are also renewable. That creates bad incentives in both ways. If someone gives you a job and it's renewable, you owe that person, and it's easy for them to select a lapdog and then renew that lapdog.
That's where I think this is headed. We have these very few steps forward—the order-making power—so then the Liberals put in place a lapdog who never makes any orders, and then the complainants take them to court, and five years later maybe we can get some documents out. That's where this is headed, given that the promise to have an independent and merit-based appointment process has been broken.