I wouldn't say it limits the scope of her work, but we have an example in Ontario. I don't mean in terms of exemptions being closed, but I worked at the provincial office when it was starting up in the late 1980s with order-making power. It has existed for 30 years, so that whole process is well established in Ontario, and it has operated with most requests being solved by mediators. The order-making power does not have to be used most of the time.
Again, there are problems with exemptions and loopholes in the act, the fact that there are no penalties, and some of these other problems, but I don't think the act will reduce the scope of what the commissioner can do, other than these key measures in proposed sections 6 and 6.1 that will give the government even more reasons that would be justifiable under the law for rejecting requests. That's why those two sections are very dangerous. They expand the justifiable reasons for rejecting requests. Those loopholes will be abused, as others have been right back to 1983.