But there's an important step in between there, which is that the government has to take the commissioner to court. I think that's an important consideration to keep in mind. I doubt that many departments are going to want to expend the resources or take on the public scrutiny to do so. Perhaps it remains to be seen. We could sit here five years from now, or whenever we're forced to review this again by the new legislation, and find that you may well be right.
You hit upon something when you said that maybe reporters are knowledgeable about it but that maybe others aren't so knowledgeable. On proposed section 6 you identified some concerns. I just want to drill down. Proposed section 6 indicates that one would have to identify the specific subject matter of the request, the type of record being requested, and the period for which the record is being requested or the date of the record.
I'd open this to Mr. Conacher, and also you, Cara. What specifically do you have concerns about in relation to that language?