Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for having Evidence for Democracy here today.
We're very pleased to be here to discuss Bill C-58 and we're happy to see that the Access to Information Act is being revitalized for the first time in a long timeāand actually for the first time within my lifetime.
Evidence for Democracy is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization promoting the transparent use of evidence in government decision-making. E for D works with parliamentarians, public servants, scientists, and the public to ensure that the best available evidence and science make it into policy, and in a method that is transparent and open.
Robust evidence and facts underpin our democratic process. When Canadians do not have access to the science and evidence created and used by government, we cannot effectively hold our governments to account and our democracy suffers. As many of you are aware, access to scientific information in government has not always been available. When scientists are muzzled, cannot speak to the media, or fear for their employment if they speak about their research, our democracy is greatly impacted.
This government and many other members have worked hard over the last two years to ensure that government science can be openly communicated to the media and to the public. We're pleased to see these positive steps forward; however, this is only one part of being able to access government information. The ambitious undertaking of revitalizing the Access to Information Act is certainly another part of it. The revitalization of this act was long overdue and is an opportunity to truly modernize it, improving accountability and trust between the government and the Canadian public.
It is our opinion that there are serious flaws with Bill C-58 as it stands now; however, we recognize the opportunity to change and strengthen it. Our recommendations are similar to those of the other witnesses today: to focus on proactive disclosure, the denial of requests, and the ability for the Information Commissioner to order records.
On proactive disclosure, the decision to make ministerial mandate letters open by default was a commendable step by this government. We're pleased to see it enshrined in Bill C-58 and look forward to the normalization of this practice. These mandate letters have helped us as advocates and researchers to understand government priorities and desired changes. This is a positive step; however, it does not go quite far enough.
Evidence for Democracy, like many, interpreted the access to information reform presented by the Liberal Party in its election platform as including the ability to ATIP ministers' offices and the PMO. We are disappointed that this is not part of Bill C-58 and are concerned that proactive disclosure, while laudable, in its current configuration does not reach far enough.
We're deeply concerned that proactive disclosure of information is not overseen by the Information Commissioner. We see the information commissioner role as an incredibly important one and do not want to see parts of access to information legislation removed from that office's oversight. It is imperative that proactive disclosure be under the purview of the Information Commissioner.
Additionally, there must be shorter timelines for disclosure specified in the act, and it should allow for individuals to still request access to information.
We agree with this committee's recommendations, particularly recommendation number 23, that purely factual or background information, information on, and a record of decision made by cabinet or by any of its committees on an appeal under the act also be disclosed.
Furthermore, the ministers' offices and Prime Minister's Office must be required to respond to access to information requests. Proactive disclosure on its own is not sufficient; right to access should be extended to these offices.
With that, I will hand it over to Katie Gibbs, my colleague.