Sir, with respect, I disagree with your premise. It is not the case that the Canadian public is in the dark as to judicial expenses. I mentioned in my opening remarks that all reimbursable expenses must fall within one of the five allowances that are set out in the Judges Act. It is explained in the Judges Act what expenses are reimbursable.
In addition to those broad categories, I've mentioned the role of the commissioner, and to go into further detail, the commissioner issues guidelines that are available to judges detailing the rules that he applies—currently it is a he—to the reimbursable expenses under the Judges Act. Therefore, the percentage that you have asked for— the percentage of claims that are rejected—would not be a useful piece of information, because if the commissioner does his job well through the publication of guidelines and is clear as to what conditions a claim must comply with in order to be accepted, then judges need to comply with these guidelines, and their expense—