Currently the Access to Information Act stipulates very specifically when fees can be incurred, and the government, back in May of 2016, if I'm not wrong, issued an interim directive for no fees at all, and that was very welcome to requesters.
The current proposal in Bill C-58 introduces fees without explaining in the act what kinds of fees are intended. It says that an application fee could go up to $25. I believe that Minister Brison has said that for now it will stay at $5, but the act will allow bringing it up to $25, and any other fees that could be imposed would be done by regulation. We do not know what will be in those regulations.
Of course, it's a lot easier to pass regulations than to make amendments to the act, as we all know, and therefore, that's the risk. At the end of the day, as the Commissioner's report says, is it worth it? Really, given the quasi-constitutional right of access and that this is information that belongs to Canadians, should there be fees at all? That's the worry.