It is in the sense that I profoundly disagree with the charging of fees.
In the experience I've had with the charging of fees under the access act over the years, I've seen a whole bunch of stuff. I've seen abuses by government institutions using large fee assessments in order to not process access requests, and that leads to complaints. We have to do the investigations, but until all of this is done, no information is even disclosed.
It's not a cost-recovery system. If you were going to make it a cost-recovery system, you'd have to charge around $900 per access to information request, because that's roughly the estimate of the cost that the government is putting forward. It's not a cost-recovery system.
I think the government has to decide, as it does with the implementation of the Official Languages Act, that this is a value that we have in our democratic society, that this is part and parcel of the work that public servants and public institutions give to Canadians, and that it is how we respect our quasi-constitutional rights. Really, in this day and age, with this whole movement of open government, when we basically say we're going to provide open data for free and we've signed a charter basically stating that we're going to provide open data for free, let's just give Canadians their information for free, shall we?