Frankly, when you're coming in and asking for $1.8 million, it would be better to break it down, I would suggest, in a much more detailed way, first by suggesting what the $1.8 million is actually to resolve. The 1,900 is actually $1.8 million plus the resources you're already receiving, so it's not that helpful for us. You also ought to break down what types of complaints you have to resolve.
The other comment I would make is that resolving complaints is one question, but there's been a massive increase in access requests and therefore an accompanying increase in complaints. There's no knowledge that we would have, based on the information that you've provided, as to whether or not the complaints are founded, which is also useful information for this committee in order to understand trends, to understand whether these are real problems that are in the regime. As you've indicated, it's not journalists now. It's individual Canadians, and whether or not these individual complaints are founded is I think also an important question for us.
I mean, feel free to comment, but I just don't think you've provided enough information when we're talking about spending $1.8 million.