Good morning, Mr. Therrien. It's always a pleasure to have you here.
II have just some old business and some new business, so let's start with the old business first. In the past when we had you here in front of the committee, you were in favour, at that time, of maintaining your ombudsman model. Then you published a report in 2016-17 in which you called for, and I quote from the news release, “amendments to the federal private sector privacy law to provide for order-making powers and the ability to impose administrative monetary penalties.”
You've also stated that if the Information Commissioner got order-making powers, it would significantly disrupt the balance between your two offices. I know we've alluded to it, so I'd just like some clarity on the issue, just so we can have on the record that you believe that the powers given to the Information Commissioner should be balanced with your powers so there's no disruption. You would also have the ability to dismiss vexatious and frivolous requests.