I could also address the earlier portion of your question, Mr. Kent.
The allusion to the priest refers to conduct prior to a breach having occurred. You counsel people. Once it's been determined through an examination or an inquiry that somebody has breached the act, then you become the policeman vis-à-vis the same person. The priest is preventative, and the other one is a word we learned at law school, which I avoid using. There is prevention and there is repression. Once it's been established that the breach has occurred, maybe there should also be a role to sanction.
I mentioned $10,000 as a possibility, but this is something that would have to be looked at by those who know more than me about sentencing and federal statutory breaches and what would be adequate. It would be a maximum of this nature, of this order of magnitude. A million dollars would be ridiculous, and I think $100 would be ridiculous as well, so where does it lie? I thought about $10,000, or it could be $25,000. I have not done research yet to suggest any figure at this point in time.