We have thought about this. Certainly in the digital economy, where the Internet plays such an important role, it would be an extremely great ambition to have similar net neutrality regimes in the countries with which you do trade, so that when businesses that are, in our case, Canadian, are doing business in our trading partner's country, we would have the same net neutrality regimes; ergo, our websites wouldn't be throttled, etc., as you're alluding to.
We're aware that this issue was raised in December by Steve Verheul. We're not aware of where that's going to go. We haven't seen the text of the CPTPP, nor that of NAFTA. When we do, it will be interesting to see whether this notion is captured, but in the context of what's happening in the U.S., it's difficult to see how you're going to get the horse back in the barn through a trade deal when you already have it running down the track through Congress.