You know, the most popular applications and services available today are available to everyone. They all grew up without net neutrality protections—Google, Facebook, Amazon, any of these. I think it's a hypothetical harm. I understand the premise on which your question is posed, but that is not the business we're in.
You've suggested that it's a pricing decision. Yes, because if you, sir, are a customer who pays us $40 a month for whatever range of services, and you, ma'am, are a customer who pays us $60 a month, we may wish, as a pricing decision or as a marketing tool, to give you a discount on accessing certain services. I don't think that's a problem.
Where I think you need to worry, and where it would be important for the regulator—and they're obviously on this file and have been very active on it—is around when there is an actual harm that is observed, and then I accept your premise.