Thanks, Chair.
Mr. Angus raises a good point about introducing committee members to each of the portfolios and the work of the commissioners. As far as setting timelines, with respect to Mrs. Shanahan's point and seeing what the calendar looks like, perhaps if Mr. Angus is agreeable, on Monday we could see if there's an opportunity for us to schedule them. When we're looking to populate our calendar with some motions, that would be a good time for that conversation.
I've had the preliminary conversations with some of the commissioners or their staff, and their presentations to us may give rise to work that we may wish to undertake at the committee. Though I have been known to head off in a direction without first reading what's in front of me, I think there is an opportunity here for us to maybe hear from the commissioners about the last Parliament and any of the work they've undertaken since the last Parliament. Some of the commissioners have never been before this committee since they were appointed. There's a good opportunity there.