Well, we can. We can certainly change the rules first and increase the penalties and enforcement, and together those three things will hopefully change the culture and drum out those people through transparency, whether they be politicians, government officials, appointees, lobbyists or staffers, who are there in federal politics for the wrong reasons.
As Prime Minister Trudeau mentioned in the 2015 election platform, sunshine is the world's best disinfectant, so we need the transparency the Liberals promised. We need to close all the loopholes. As Jean Chrétien said back in 1993 in the Liberals' red book platform chapter on governing with integrity, if the government is to be a force for good in society, it must act with integrity. He was right. The trust levels right now, over the past five years, are generally at about 10%. Only 10% of voters trust politicians.
Thankfully, swing voters care about these issues and swing voters decide elections. Every party that has put forward a strong platform and put it as a highlight of their platform in the last 25 years, in every election across Canada, federal and provincial, a platform to clean up politics in multiple ways—