Well, to answer the second part first, there are two sets of rules, one for hired-gun consultant lobbyists and the other for organization lobbyists, which is anything that is incorporated in any way, including any charity. The loopholes have to be closed for everyone and every type of organization. If you leave any of them open, they'll be exploited. Essentially, if you are communicating with regard to decisions, you should have to register, whether you're paid or unpaid, no matter how much time you're spending.
The Internet is set up for this. The registry is very easy to fill out to track your lobbying. Right now, in terms of monthly communications, only oral pre-arranged communications are required to be registered in those monthly records. That's the huge hole. If you're not paid for your lobbying, or if you're at an organization and not spending 20%, then you do not have to register. It's also very easy to arrange a contract or do your lobbying and space it out, month to month, so that you don't cross those thresholds, or to do a contract saying you'll be paid for strategic advice, but not paid for your lobbying, and then it's actually legal to lobby in secret.
Therefore, close all these loopholes. Not one minute of secret lobbying should be allowed. It's very easy to register and everyone should be required to register all the time.