I would like to suggest for going forward that we give ourselves until maybe coming back off the break, say, to have our initial witness list. That would allow all of us to do research and come back with a witness list. The witness list might be incredibly long, and we might decide to bring it down a bit, but in terms of having a big study, we have Madame Gaudreau's study and Madame Shanahan has some motions—whether or not we move forward—and we need to have the commissioners.
I would say that if we're going to have a block of time, let's come back in a week and have our witness lists. It's going to take a bit of time to get some of them in place, so we want to have some other things to keep the committee moving. Then we can decide, after six initial meetings or something, whether we're moving forward. I think we just keep looking. We will know if we've heard enough. I would say to give us till that first Monday back, and that's when our witness list has to be in.