Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I apologize to the listeners at home. They do not know that I just spent a few minutes with the clerk trying to find some information. Unfortunately, I do not have the information I need, but I will say this anyway. If any of my points are wrong and someone corrects me, I am prepared to withdraw my comments.
In my opinion, the main motion we are debating today substantially mirrors the motion we adopted yesterday, on division, in this committee. It talks about essentially the same study and the same witnesses. In essence, it is in fact the same motion. I can be corrected if I am wrong, but I think that is what it is. So there is a problem here. In my opinion, we cannot pass two motions that call for the same witnesses, who will discuss the same topic and come to the same conclusion.
In that regard, I hope to defer to your analysis, Madam Chair, but it seems to me that the issues we want to bring to the committee's attention are very similar. With regard to the rationale, I would like to get an opinion, some advice, from the Chair or the clerk.
My colleague has very kindly sent me this information, which I will read.
I think the last motion that we passed—and please correct me if I'm wrong—was “That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h), the Committee review the safeguards which are in place to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest in federal government procurement, contracting, granting, contribution and other expenditure policies; and that, to provide a case study for this review, an Order of the Committee do issue to Speakers’ Spotlight for a copy of all records pertaining to speaking appearances arranged, since October 14, 2008, for Justin Trudeau, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau and Alexandre Trudeau—including, in respect of each speaking appearance, an indication of the fee provided, any expenses that were reimbursed and the name of the company, organization, person or entity booking it—provided that these records shall be provided to the Clerk of Committee within one week of the adoption of this Order; and that the clerk provide these records to the members of the Committee and the Ethics Commissioner for study; and that any examination by this Committee of the documents referred to be done in camera; and that this Committee calls upon Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to appear to give testimony relating to these matters.”
Madam Chair, I think that is indeed what we are debating today. The only difference here is that we want to add two or three names. Also, we are throwing the door open to other witnesses who could appear before the committee. I think it's the same thing.
I would like to invite the members present to think about it. We may come to the conclusion that it is essentially the same thing, a duplication in fact, which is contrary to the procedure and the Standing Orders.
Thank you, Madam Chair.