Since more than one candidate has been nominated, pursuant to the House order of Wednesday, September 23, 2020, any motion received after the initial one shall be taken as notice of motion, and such motions shall be put to the committee seriatim until one is adopted.
The motion proposed by Ms. Shanahan that Ms. Gaudreau be elected as second vice-chair of the committee has been received as a motion. The motion proposed by Mr. Fergus that Mr. Angus be elected as second vice-chair of the committee has been received as a notice of motion.
Shall the committee adopt Ms. Shanahan's motion that Ms. Gaudreau be elected as second vice-chair?
Pursuant to the House order of Wednesday, September 23, 2020, I'll now proceed to a recorded division.
All those in favour that Madame Gaudreau be elected second vice-chair of the committee, please say yea when your name is called, and please say nay if you are not in favour of the motion.
(Motion agreed to: yeas 8; nays 2)
I declare the motion carried and Madame Gaudreau duly elected as second vice-chair of the committee.
I will now turn the meeting over to the chair.