Thank you.
Ms. Walker, I read some of Pornhub's—I don't even know what to call them—tickertape issues, how they draw views on runaway teens, homeless teen abuse, teens destroyed and teens manipulated.
When I read subsection 163.1(3) of the Criminal Code, it looks to me like this is trafficking in child pornography. Mr. Tassillo, though, said I didn't understand the word “teen”. He said that normally, when you're using the English language, “teen” is used for someone 13 to 19 years old. We have 13-year-olds and 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds, and the word “teen” is in each of those words.
However, he said that in the adult entertainment world it actually means 18 to 25 or 18 to 27. He says it's understood that when you say “teen”—when you're talking about a “crying teen”, I guess, or “teen destroyed” or “stolen teen sex tape”—we would normally understand that as people who are legally able to consent and would be up to 27 years of age.
Given your work with victims and given your work with the law, would you say that's a correct or incorrect interpretation of what a teen represents?