This is a major issue. I'm not an expert on the topic. However, legal experts could shed some light on it.
There are basically two approaches. In Europe, there's more support for the right to be forgotten, whereas in Canada and the United States, there's a little less support. On the North American side, there's a certain reluctance to have content removed. I don't want to go too much into it. I'll simply say that this barrier should be overcome through a fast process. We aren't talking about removing unfavourable information about a politician from a website. This argument is often used to deny the right to be forgotten.
In this case, we're talking about a form of re-victimization, where a victim browsing a site can't remove their personal and intimate information. I strongly believe that we should have a fast way to remove information of this nature, without necessarily opening Pandora's box by allowing people to remove unfavourable information. This requires significant legislative reform and it must be started.