It's standard procedure for them to try to distract, to try to defame and to try to discredit those who are telling the truth about what is going on on their site.
I came before this committee and I gave you testimonies of survivors who've personally reached out to me. These are their words. I presented and will present to you everything I have said today, documented with screenshots, to prove that it's actually factually correct. These are not opinions. These are facts.
This is completely inexcusable by the CEO and the COO. Rather than taking responsibility for what they've done through the immortalization of countless victims' trauma.... You know, some victims say, “My trauma and my abuse will live on long after I'm dead.” The thought of that tortures them. Instead of taking responsibility, what the CEO and the COO do—and this is exactly what they've done for the past year and beyond—is try to attack, try to harass, try to quiet and try to silence advocates who are telling the truth about their site. That is unacceptable.