We don't think that you do need to go to Cyprus, and when we bring claims, we won't be going to Cyprus.
However, it brings up an important point, which is beyond the scope of this particular hearing. This is a company that has an international corporate structure of shell companies that, if you were teaching a class on tax evasion, money laundering and shielding, would be something that you would teach if you were to look at this structure. The structure is designed to make it hard to know where to sue and hard to know who to sue, and to make it impossible for people who aren't necessarily lawyers who've practised for 30 years in that type of environment to know where to go.
No, we think they are subject to jurisdiction in the U.S. and they're subject to jurisdiction in Canada. I'll stop at that. I could go on for a while, but this is a structure that is set up that has none of the indicia of a legitimate company.