Ms. Marquez, I hope you don't mind, but it just makes absolutely no sense to me that the director of government and stakeholder relations wouldn't be aware of the unreimbursed expenses before receiving a $3-million grant.
WE charity was clearly organized, so the only explanation I could have for that is that you weren't told because of incompetence within the organization or because of wilful ignorance, and the appearance of this is horrible.
Forty-one thousand dollars is a lot of money. I would say most Canadians would agree that it's a lot of money, and it could be perceived as an attempted bribe or one of those oversights that would affect his decisions.
What was it in your organization? Was it that somebody was incompetent in not informing you of this extremely important reimbursement that hadn't been done, or do you think it was wilful that they didn't tell you about this?