Thank you.
I would like to talk to those who trusted me on behalf of the Wesley Smiles Coalition. I'll speak to those donors.
For all of the kids, I would say to them that they have every right to seek answers, transparency and accountability of Free the Children and the WE charities. They have every right to do that, to ask for documentation, as I have done, to ask for an accounting. I would say that in the absence of that, remember that the spirit of Kenya can be shared in our own communities in the absence of answers, in the absence of transparency.
To those who donated because they trusted me and they saw my son's picture, I will tell them that I'm also here for them today, because I hope that your process gets all of the answers. I hope to engage those who are in power, who are way more powerful than I am, who are way more—quote, unquote—important in the world than I am, so that they'll come forward and end this once and for all.
Just come forward. Let's see everything. Let's see all the documents. Let's see everything so that people can go back to trusting and get to work, because in Kenya the need is great. Especially during and post the pandemic, the need is going to be even greater.