Thanks very much. I'll be brief.
I agree with everything that my colleague, Brenda, has said. I agree with Charlie as well. In the interest of fairness, the one item that came up in relation to the LinkedIn correspondence that I took from the correspondence back in August was the only correspondence between Mr. Chin and the Kielburgers.
I don't think my colleagues on the Liberal side will support this motion, but in the interest of fairness, if you write to Mr. Chin, and have him confirm that that was the only correspondence....It would be odd for us to invite him before this committee if that was in fact the only correspondence. If it's not—if he comes back and says no, “I corresponded this way and that way”—then the committee may want to reconsider the question. Based on what we know today, if that was, in fact, the only correspondence, to be confirmed by you, potentially, Mr. Chair, it would be....Brenda is putting it politely, calling it a fishing expedition. There would be no merit whatsoever. That's all I have to say on that, but that would be my one suggestion, a possible consensus, and a way forward.